DogFooding GPT GPTs

DogFooding GPT - GPTs , allergy to eggs Check DogFooding GPT to safely compare dog food + personalised recs & product recalls.

DogFooding GPT

Check if your dog food is safe and find better alternatives by taking a photo of the food packaging. Recommendations are personalized based on your dog's breed, age and allergies. Get info on recent product recalls. Confirm the analysis with a vet before making changes to your dog's diet.

DogFooding GPT - GPTs , allergy to eggs Check DogFooding GPT to safely compare dog food + personalised recs & product recalls.
DogFooding GPT GPTs By

Prompt Starters

7 year old Golden Retriever, no known allergies

5 year old Chiweenie, allergic to corn

9 year old Dachsund, no food allergies

6 years old mix breed: Dashsund, American Pitbull Terrier, Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Poodle and Golden Retriever

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