My Copywriter GPTs

My Copywriter - GPTs Craft persuasive copy focused on product/service, create engaging stories to drive action, craft strong brand voice.

My Copywriter

Crafts engaging advertising copy to drive consumer action, with a focus on brand voice and storytelling.

My Copywriter - GPTs Craft persuasive copy focused on product/service, create engaging stories to drive action, craft strong brand voice.
My Copywriter GPTs By Mr AH Fordyce

Prompt Starters

Help me construct a powerful and emotional story around this product or service [product/service] to engage the audience deeply.

Help me design an impactful, persuasive copy for this [product/service].

I need fresh creative ideas for this advertising copy, focusing on [specific product/service characteristics].

From the information I have provided, generate a strong brand voice for [brand].

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