“CMA Seeks Feedback on Microsoft and Amazon AI Deals – Potential for Competition Concerns?”

CMA Seeks Public Opinion on Mega AI Partnerships

The United Kingdom's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has begun its intercession to ensure proportionate competition in the rapidly expanding artificial intelligence (AI) space. Their recent interests revolve around potential partnerships between the tech titans, Microsoft and Amazon, with smaller AI entities.

This engagement follows a CMA report that displayed around 90 collaborations between a select group of tech firms and budding AI companies. Industry experts express concern that these partnerships may enable power consolidation, potentially derailing healthy industry competition. According to Joel Bamford, CMA's head of mergers, these AI creations can influence sectors from healthcare to finances, making an open competition environment essential.

To understand better, CMA aims to learn more about these intricate partnerships and their potential effects. They've invited public feedback until May 9, 2024, marking their initial step in information gathering.

Despite initiating this process, not everyone supports the CMA's intervention. Particularly, the named firms respond defensively, promising complete cooperation with the CMA inquiries.

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