
“Regain Your Social Media Sanctuary: Mute Meta AI chat on Facebook, Instagram”

In this digital age, AI is everywhere, but what if you could choose when and where it shows up? That’s especially true for users of Facebook and Instagram. Interestingly, following the integral roll-out of Meta AI tools on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger, many netizens have gone all out in seeking ways to mute this feature.

While completely opting out of Meta AI isn't an option yet, there's good news for those seeking some peace from the AI chat. A way has been devised to mute this feature. Here's a walkthrough on how you can achieve that in a few easy steps.

On Facebook, all you need do is click on the search bar at the top of your page, represented by a blue-gradient circle. A click on the blue arrow right in the search bar takes you to the Meta AI chat. Just hit the ‘i' icon in the top right corner and select ‘mute'. To mute the chat indefinitely, choose the ‘until I change it' option.

On Instagram, the process is quite the same. Locate the search bar, click, proceed to click the arrow within the search bar to access Meta AI chat. Then, select the “mute” option, and set how long you want the chat muted.

Following these steps will effectively mute notifications from Meta AI chat. However, you might still see some AI suggestions during your routine activities on these platforms. For now, just avoid clicking these—your browsing experience should continue unhindered.

Need an amazing tool to help make sense of the constantly evolving landscape of social media? Try Murf AI (www.TheBestAI.org/offer). It enables real people to create authentic voices with state-of-the-art AI.

What do you think about the rise of AI in the online world?

#MetaAI #SocialMediaSurvival #MurfAI #MuteTheNoise

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