“Google Unites AI Teams for Revolutionary Models! CEO’s Bold Move Sparks Innovation 🚀”

“Google Accelerates AI Development by Blending Teams under DeepMind”

In a bold move to fast-track development of advanced AI, Google's CEO, Sundar Pichai, is merging together all the company's teams working on generative AI under the umbrella of the DeepMind division. This notable decision reflects Google's unwavering commitment to champion the frontier of AI technology.

Last year, Google fused its DeepMind team and the Brain division, birthing the group now known as Google DeepMind. The group was instrumental in training the models for Google's Gemini chatbot. The next step? Shift all teams building AI models into one powerhouse.

Pichai believes that, “All of this work will now sit in Google DeepMind and scale our capacity to deliver capable AI for users, partners and customers.” This change is expected to allow Google Research to nurture its focus on exploring both foundational and applied computer science.

Also joining the fray is Google's Responsible AI team. They're expected to play a more significant role in the formative high-level decisions guiding the development of new AI models. Google has already integrated other responsibility groups under its central Trust and Safety team and is planning to establish more comprehensive AI testing and evaluation protocols.

The Google AI family will also include the Platform and Ecosystem and Devices and Services teams, integrated into a single entity dubbed Platforms and Devices. This amalgamation accommodates employees working on computational photography and on-device intelligence.

The overall goal is to prevent missteps and faux pas that have marred early generative AI systems, including Google's own Bard and Gemini chatbots. Going forward, Pichai concluded his update by admonishing staff to leave personal vendettas at the door, underlining this is about constructive, cooperative enterprise, where disruptive behaviour is unwelcome.

Can Google deliver AI systems that are more robust, user-friendly and socially responsible than ever before? Share your thoughts!

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#GoogleAI #DeepMind #GenerativeAI #ArtificialIntelligence

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