“GPT-4 AI Study: Exploiting Unpatched Vulnerabilities Disclosed Risks Impacting Cybersecurity”

“AI in Action: Unraveling How GPT-4 Exploits Unpatched Vulnerabilities”

Unearthed by scholars at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, the potential of the GPT-4 artificial intelligence agent to infiltrate real-world, unpatched vulnerabilities is quite remarkable. It all begins when you supply the AI with public security advisories.

The researchers fed over a dozen disclosed but unpatched vulnerabilities descriptions to the AI agents. Amazingly, the agent they established using OpenAI's GPT-4 managed to exploit a staggering 87% of the vulnerabilities. Conversely, fourteen other agents fabricated with models including the GPT-3.5, several open-source large language models, and open-source vulnerability scanners ZAP and Metasploit, completely faltered.

It is noteworthy to consider that GPT-4 requires a CVE description of the flaw to accomplish its task. Unfortunately, without it, the state-of-the-art AI agent could only exploit 7% of the vulnerabilities.

So, what does this mean for the future of AI security? We'd love to hear what you think in the comments! Also, don't forget to check out Klap, our incredible sponsor for today's article. Klap allows you to transform any video into viral shorts. Check it out on their website www.TheBestAI.org/now

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