“Moderna Accelerates mRNA Research with OpenAI Partnership”

Harnessing AI to Revolutionize Vaccines: Moderna Partners with OpenAI

In a move that speaks to the future of drug development and manufacturing, Moderna has partnered with OpenAI, renowned for its advanced artificial intelligence technologies such as ChatGPT. The collaboration's goal is to fully incorporate the powers of generative AI (GenAI) in Moderna's mRNA operations.

Jointly announced by both companies, this exciting venture will see OpenAI's GenAI capabilities employed across all aspects of Moderna's business, ushering in a new era of using large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT in the enterprise, particularly within the pharmaceutical sector.

The confidential deal involves granting around 3,000 Moderna personnel access to ChatGPT Enterprise. It's an enterprise-grade platform built on OpenAI's cutting-edge GPT-4 language model, marking maximum language model integration within the pharma industry.

Moderna CEO, Stéphane Bancel, compares the impact of AI to the introduction of the personal computer in the 1980s. According to him, cutting-edge companies like OpenAI are leading the way in radically transforming our daily lives. Moderna, which identifies as a “digital-first” enterprise, believes collaborations like these are crucial for scaling operations and making a real impact on patients' lives.

Initially tested through an internal version of ChatGPT named “mChat”, Moderna's fusion of AI has been years in the making. With active participation from over 80% of Moderna's employees, this initial endeavor laid the groundwork for the newest partnership with OpenAI.

Currently, Moderna is banking on AI capabilities to roll out 15 new products in the next five years – a feat the company believes it can achieve with its existing staff strength and effective implementation of AI.

As Moderna seeks to broaden its non-COIVD mRNA vaccine pipeline, the partnership with OpenAI will facilitate the full potential of AI in fast-tracking drug development.

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